February 2023
The two photos below show what we are seeing on an increasingly regular basis recently.
We were called out to a badly creased screen sheet.
We lost out on price originally on this job, and the result below is what happened when the customer decided cheaper was better - ultimately, as can be seen this was not the case, cheaper has turned out to be much more costly !
The screen sheet had stuck to the frame by the paint which was clearly not dry when the sheet was hung. We do NOT use paint, all of our frames are powder coated before they leave our premises.
Our team had to carefully unlace the bottom, release the sheet from the frame, and then re-lace. A time-consuming and ultimately costly repair that could have been avoided in the first place.
January 2023
The photo below was taken by one of our guys working in Cambridgeshire last week.
Absolutely stunning picture of beauty and grace.

The job was to remove the cola which had run down in vertical lines. Projection were amazed to realise how dirty the screen was (as evidenced by the towels used, starting with the one at the top) 95% improvement on reflectivity on a white screen which was estimated to be 20 years old.
December 2022
We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our customers a very Happy Christmas and a Happy 2023. We are making a donation to a local charity in lieu of sending Christmas cards this year, as we have done in previous years.